No matter what you may have heard about affiliate marketing, it's impossible for everyone to make $5,000 – $10,000 dollars a month. There is simply too much competition and most people will never be willing to put the effort in to get to that level.

There is no such thing as free money that will fall into your hands without you doing anything for it. 

The key thing that will separate you from your competitors so that you can reach the higher levels of affiliate income is your understanding of how to get more traffic than everyone else. Traffic is the lifeblood of any business, and especially an online business. 

With that in mind, below you'll find 3 sources of traffic that will help you get more eyeballs on your offers and ultimately make more money with affiliate marketing on the internet.

1.  Google, Yahoo, & Bing

Even though the days of free traffic aren't completely over, organic search engine traffic does require some intelligent effort to get results.  

You used to be able to throw up articles stuffed with keywords that you hoped to rank for and that would be enough to get traffic. Now it’s smarter to create good and relevant content that answers people’s questions. This includes blog articles, videos, and even images like infographics that can be shared on social media. Optimize for Google first as they have the lion’s share of search traffic. 

A much easier way to get seen in search engines is by using pay-per-click advertising. By paying for clicks with Google, Yahoo, & Bing, you'll have the top positions on the search engines that matter and get seen the most.  

2.  Your own email list

Sending offers to your own email list is the ideal way to build freedom and residual income.  

Instead of sending traffic away then hoping for the best, you should instead have your own email list to which you are able to send multiple offers. This is why it is important that you are making every effort to convert traffic from your organic and paid campaigns into email subscribers. They change from the traffic you control but don’t own into traffic you own and control. 

You are paying for the lead so make sure to use ethical bribes to get people to opt-in to your list. Examples include free ebooks, courses, or video training. 

Once you have a lead you can market to them again and again as long as they are on your list, so make building your list a priority. 

3.  Your own affiliate program

If you knew that each filled-out form on your site generated 50 cents in revenue, would you be willing to pay someone else 25 cents to generate that same traffic?

One of the most overlooked ways of getting traffic is to have affiliates generate it for you.  There are many advantages to this method, including the fact that the affiliates will be doing all the hard work of creating content, building backlinks, and even paying for ads. They also may have access to audiences that you don’t. 

When it all comes down to it, everything involves paying for traffic in one way or another.  With organic or SEO traffic, you have to create content and that involves spending your time and effort. Or you will have to pay someone else to do it. With paid advertising, you have to pay for your ad spend and manage it efficiently. In both cases, you need to optimize for high conversion rates so you can maximize profits. 

To make more income with affiliate marketing, you'll need to invest wisely in various forms of paid and organic advertising.

Note: We use affiliate links. If you purchase something using one of these links, we may receive compensation or commission. 
